Friday, August 13, 2010

Ranting and Raving No 2. You put your clothes on!!!!

I do not consider myself a prude. I have seen my share of adult entertainment, read my share of erotica and stared at my share of nudes up on a wall. I have no issue with nudity in general. I do however had an issue with lack of modesty. I live in the Sunshine state so the state of dress (or undress) is minimal for the majority of the year. I see woman walking around in barely anything on a daily basis and I wonder to myself why? It doesn't matter to me if they have the body to pull the clothing off or not that is of little consequence. I just wonder why they feel the need to walk around half naked? WHY? WHY? WHY? Has our society gotten to the place where it is safe to walk around looking like a two dollar hooker in the middle of the mall? How do the hookers make ends meat these days? You surely can not differentiate the "the ladies of the night" with the ladies walking around at night. Not any more. I understand that the objectification of woman in pop culture has gone over the edge and reached the point of no return. But for girls,women to look at the woman in movies and videos and print ads and think "Hey yeah that's how I should look" makes me wonder if there is any self respect left either. At this point I would gladly welcome back the days when showing an ankle was risque and bathing suits were full bodied weighted death traps. I want to thank the woman of the world who actually put clothes on and thank the mothers who refuse to let their children go out looking totally inappropriate for their ages. I suppose it's not wrong to want to be admired or looked at but I do not think that the majority of the attention being given would be pleasantly received or wanted. Here are my top modesty mistakes:

The Muffin Top:

 I am all for a positive self-image. But bursting out of your clothes and calling attention to yourself in a way that could cause you ridicule is not a good idea. Low rise jeans and crop tops are not meant for everyone. Buy clothes that fit.

The low cut top with no support:

Unless you were blessed by the hand of God or a very good plastic surgeon with perfectly perky breasts then tops like this are NOT for you. Bras were invented for a reason. To trap and wrangle the unruly and put them where they are supposed to be. Gravity is an unforgiving bastard!!

The tunic as dress:

I saw a lady last week at my local mall wearing a tunic very similar to this one. No skinny jeans, no leggings, no crops. Just the tunic.  Unless you are under 5 feet tall TUNICS ARE NOT DRESSES!!!!!!  If she had bent down I'd have surely seen London and France. I wanted to follow her into the store she went into and by her some pants.

The short/slash booty short:

These are not shorts. These are denim granny panties. They leave nothing to the imagination. WTF? Enough said!!!

Wearing beachwear in other venues:

Unless you are at the beach or the pool bathsuits and their accompaniments are NOT appropriate.  If you need to go somewhere else go home take a shower (cause EEEEWWW) and then go on with the rest of your day. I had a lady walk up to me at work many years ago in nothing but a bikini and ask where the suntan lotion was. I pointed her in the right direction and got a full view of her ass as she walked away. It was a thong...

The exposed butt crack:

 I am totally 100% grossed out by this. there is no way what so ever that you do not know your ass is hanging out. You feel the air going down into places it should not be. Feel the sun on places the sun has never seen. Pull up your f-in pants,put on a belt or forget the low rise jeans all together. I hope the girl in this pic was finding a pair that fit better than the ones she is wearing.

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