Friday, June 4, 2010
For as long as I can remember I have been able to immerse myself in the pages of a book. Good bad and sometimes ugly it did not matter. The words jumped off the page and took me to places (both real and imaginary) and introduced me to people that I doubt I will ever experience or know in this life time. The first time I realized that I wanted to be a writer was around eleven when reading a Sweet Valley High book by Francine Pascal. In fact the first novel I wrote was a direct rip-off of the series (can someone say copyright infringement). I was an Elisabeth for sure but Jessica she was the tease and the tantalizer that made the series hum. How I loved that series and to this day I am indebted to it for helping me through so many pre-teen dramas. The second author that stole my heart was L.J Smith. I started reading her work my senior year in High School and I feel in love for the very first time with a literary character (and have probably compared him to every man I have known or wanted to know since). Oh Mr Salvatore how I wanted to have you jump off the pages of that paperback book and take me away to Italy to eat bruschetta until I realized I had to be turned or people would think I was your mother (calling all cougars ;). Imagine my delight when the books became a T.V. series and my first love Stefan came roaring onto the screen in all his perfection and glory (not that he hadn't been roaming around my head in different incarnations for 18+ years). To bad it was at least 10 years to late for me to even have a shot (even though he technically a century older than me) at the boy of my dreams. She wrote a series on witches, The Secret Circle that lead me to study wicca and find respect and awe for the world around me. Through her work I discovered a new genre of books that had until that point been confined to the reading of Bram Stokers Dracula ( I have a habit of finding contempt in books I was forced to read. My apologies to the Count). From that day on I was drawn to books about otherworldly creatures and the spin that different authors would weave into the fabric of the lore that had come before them. I have loved many Authors and read thousands of books. There have been gaps in my life where reading was not a major component in my day to day life (in those times it always felt like something was missing and there was an outlet that I longed to rediscover) but a review or a cover or a suggestion by a friend would lead me to someone new and I would pick up where I left off with a new found vigor and desire to absorb everything that person had written (Thank you Jane Austen ,Anne Rice, Jennifer Wiener, Jane Green, Stephenie Meyer and most recently Charlene Harris). I have always held in my mind the deep desire to put my own words to the page. My mind is overflowing with characters and plot line, scenes and location. When alone I run conversations between my characters over and over in my head. When I read or watch T.V. I rewrite the dialogue or outcomes to my liking. I am walking plethora of ideas that have never come to fruition. I have let the trapping of making a living keep me from truly pursuing that dream. To many (and to even myself) that is just an excuse but an excuse that is hard to argue with when you need to keep a roof over you head and food in your cats bowl. Recently several people in my life have told me to NOT let those trapping suck all of the joy out of my life (oh so easier said than done in my current situation). One person in particular has been on me for a very long time to at the very least put my thoughts down in a (in her words) BLOG BLOG BLOG... I suppose that the very least I can do for myself and my childhood dream it to make an attempt at a change. Teeny Tiny baby steps to finding a voice and a spark in a fire that has all but burned out but could never bee fully extinguished. As those who know me can attest I am very rarely at a loss for words. So I am going to do my very best,when the mood strikes or the subject provokes me to put those thoughts,feelings and musings to this page. Here on my BLOG BLOG BLOG (are you happy now?)
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