Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Whiskers from Abby

Whiskers from Abby!

 I believe most of you know Abby's story, how we came together, our life together and the circumstances of her passing. I believe also know that Abby was my first pet and because of this each experience, each mile stone , each kitty quirk was new to me. Not to long after I brought Abby into my home I found one of her whiskers on the couch. I don't know why but I found it to me immensely fascinating and so I kept it. I equated it with snipping a lock of hair as a keepsake and over time as I found them I put them away in a little bag in Abby's photo album. I always made a big deal of it. Telling Abby how wonderful it was to find a Abby whisker and I'd thank her for my present. I would tickle her with it and give her kisses and she would sit on the floor next to the couch and watch me put it in the bag. In the weeks before her passing something interesting started to happen. I started to find the whiskers in the same spot in the center of my oven. I leave the light on above it and I would wake up in the morning or come home from work and find them sitting illuminated in the light. The first time it happened I thought it strange since in all the years I lived with Abby she never jumped up on that counter but I figured I might have transferred it from somewhere else. I was on my way out with her for an appointment so I put it on top of the microwave. The next morning I found another one on the oven. I remembered then the one on the microwave and thought that it had somehow made it's way back to the oven but when I turned I found that it was still there. I found four more whiskers in that spot the last few weeks we had together. The last one the morning of the day Abby passed. When I woke up that morning the light in the kitchen had gone out. I had awoken early uneasy in my sleep, so I took the time to change the bulb. When the light came back on I looked down and found the whisker. The light going off had felt like a omen to me, the whisker compound my fear and when I went to Abby's bed I found my fear had been warranted. There would be no more Abby whiskers after that day. Last Wed I came home from work and sitting in the little puddle of light was a very long very white whisker. A Lizzy whisker!! I have since found two more in the spot and now I have started a Lizzy whisker baggy. I know that Lizzy is more than capable of jumping up on that counter and she very well may be doing so. But to leave those whiskers there, in that spot well no matter how they got there that is all the work of my little Angel Abby. She knew how much they meant to me, that I would want to keep them and is now making sure I continue the tradition with her sister...

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