Friday, May 27, 2011

Wicked NOT Dead: A True Blood Fan Fiction Chapter 10


  Rebecca dreamt of a field, not the one where she'd spent hours with Alcide the wolf, no this field was immortalized on the wall of Belle Vita's renovated kitchen. The field where she had spent the summer playing hide and seek with the best friend that would later in their life become her husband. Christian stood in the wheat his matching always unruly hair blowing about and the green eyes that mirrored her own, smiled. 
" It is good to see you Anna" He grabbed her up in a familiar bear hug. Until Rebecca left her home in Tennessee everyone in her world then called her by her middle name Anna. She held onto him tightly and breathed in the clear fresh scent of the earth that had always followed him even when they had left the valley and moved into the city. She found it comforting to feel the solidity that was her Christian. 
" It is good to see you as well" She smiled and kissed him. His lips were colder than she remembered but she supposed that was to be expected. 
" Yes but I am not who you had hoped to see when you feel asleep tonight." He pretended to be offended giving her his best am I not the wolf you were looking for look. " But then that was always the case now wasn't it?" This statement was tinged with just a touch of bitterness. 
" Christian" she pleaded with him not to be that way. Their circumstances were the same. Both shared the same history most of which was not of their making.
 " Shall we rehash a past that we can not change or shall we enjoy the few moments we have with each other" She looked around her and grabbed a blade of wheat picking off the top and placing it in her mouth. 
" Okay their my country bumpkin we SHALL not spend time talking about how I am dead and you are not" He liked to pout when he didn't get his way. Rebecca hadn't indulged him much when he was flesh and blood so his spirit wouldn't get to much pity from her either. 
" How is it you, the male were always the melodramatic one in our relationship?" She raised an eyebrow in his direction.
Christian laughed. " Girl please do not pretend you did not have your moments. Drama should have been your real middle name, my Anna." He reached out and pushed the hair from her eyes " You still haven't grown out your hair" this made him sad for he had always loved the long flowing hair she had when they were together.
" Been thinking about growing it out lately." She shrugged as if it were no big deal. 
" For him?" Christian murmured taking a tendril in between his fingertips. 
" No not for him" She yanked it out if his hand. 
" I am sorry Anna. Even here, even now it hits a nerve. Got to get my head around the whole thing. You found him. You always said he was out there and I always believed you but there was a part of me that also believed that you would never actually find him. And to find him in Bon Temps. It is all to surreal. Christian knew all the stories, she had always been honest with him about her dreams. He always knew that he was not the one she had envisioned. They loved one another but their souls had belonged to someone else. They had married because it was what was expected of them. Their parents had believed them destined and bound they would bring their family lines together and their children would know greater power than any before them. Their protests had fallen on deaf ears but no matter how hard they fought everyone else they never fought each other. They loved each other enough to never place the blame within their circle. 
"Does he meet your expectations?" He gave her do you dig him eyebrow raise and a deviant grin.
" I am smitten" She blushed. 
" He is rather fetching. I guess I can see the appeal" He made goo goo eyes at her. 
She grabbed his hand and laced her fingers into his. He was still wearing two rings on his finger. One of silver one of gold. Their wedding band and the promise ring of another. 
" Do you still go to her?"  Rebecca had her first love Alexander who's hold on her heart had clouded their union and Christian had Sade. A petite brunette Were who called to him. He fought just as hard to be with her as Rebecca had to be with Alexander and for her family to believe her about Alcide. 
" Yes, but I don't let her feel me there. She's moved on. Gotten married and has a.... child." The last word stuck in his throat. He looked over his shoulder and deep into the field behind them. 
" I am happy for her" He said turning back and giving her hand a squeeze. " I would be happy for you to Anna. You can not walk through your life alone. You are so very much alive." He raised his arm and hers and turning her so that her back was to his chest his arms wrapped around her. He placed his head on her shoulder. 
" Do you see that?" In the distance a wide black cloud filled the sky. Lightening slit crisscross patterns through the darkness. Thunder that had gone unheard till now filed her ears. 
" A storms acoming Anna. I don't know for sure what it will bring but you and I both know what storms like that are capable of. So you must promise me to be careful. To remember what you know and to also remember that they can change course and dissipate and seemingly disappear but once you think you are safe that is when they will hit you with full force. 
She bounced her head back and forth on his chest. He had come to warn her. " What have you seen Christian?"
" Only that cloud and the fear that runs through my veins. I'm not a seer but I know the stories of one. They have not always been one hundred percent but you can not discredit them completely. You can not live your life in fear you must move on. Make that wolf yours and full fill your own life promise.  But always keep an eye, even if it is the third one." he poked the middle of her forehead " on the sky and the rain." 
"Because the last time it rained like this Anna" he pushed his head towards the horizon. " I ended up here." He kissed the back of her head and pressed her closer to him. 
" You feel as good as I remember my Anna" He said into her hair. " And you smell fucking great." He chuckled. The breeze picked up around them and the wheat collectively swayed to the back of them. Christian was being called away. " They're waiting my Anna" he pulled away from her. 
She understood that he had to go but even now when they existed on separate planes it hurt to see him go. A part of her would always be with him. " My love to them Christian." 
He nodded and kissed her hand and then grabbed her in one last embrace. " Learning from your past insures you do not repeat the same mistakes. You will remember that my Anna" she agreed through a stream of tears and let him kiss her with lips that would always be wanting. " I love you always Anna. Be safe" 
He stepped away slowly walking backwards into the field and just before he was enveloped by it and disappeared she whispered. 
" I love you to Christian" she blinked and he was gone. 
Somewhere in the distance she heard laughter and it made Rebecca smile. This was not her home but for those who had gone before her it was a safe place and for that Rebecca would always be grateful. Thank you Goddess for watching over them. She smiled and closed her eyes and then she woke up.
 Her eyes opened slowly and she found that she was facing the window the early morning sun drifting in and causing her to squint and blink until they adjusted to the brightness. She could feel the warmth of her girls by her feet one on each side so she did not move for fear of disturbing them. Instead she lay still and stared out the window watching the sun move up the sky,listening to the men arrive and to sounds of them beginning their work day and reliving in her mind every moment of the Sunday past. She wanted to encase it all in her memory from sitting in the kitchen at Sookie's, to throwing Eric out on his ass. The feel of Alcide's lips on hers and the way her heart sank when he walked out of the library. To sitting down after saying goodnight to William and breaking open the leather covered book that had once belonged to her Grandfather and writing down everything she could remember of her day then. Now she had more to write. A dream of a love lost who had come to remind her to never throw caution to the wind. She wanted so much to find happiness without obstacles. But she supposed she was no different than anyone else. Nothing worth having came easily and if you have to fight for something it made the victory even sweeter. Rebecca would fight for what she imagined her life could be here. The people she saw in it and the path that she saw herself walking down. She would not let anyone or anything keep her from what she believed to be true. Her eyes grew heavy again there was simply to much to try and process. Everything would still be as it was when she awoke. She let herself fall back asleep. 

    Alcide walked through the house and out onto the back porch. It was late Tuesday and he had only caught glimpses of Rebecca. She had not emerged from the trailer until after lunch. She looked tired and distracted but her smile was still warm and she had spent a few minutes chatting up the crew before heading out to the garden to spend the afternoon getting her second days lessons on obtaining a green thumb from Mrs. Whitstaff. He let out a yawn and gave himself a stretch. His body ached from a lack of sleep the last two nights and from spending the day dry walling the foyer and staircase. It was the last of the bottom floor to be done. Paint would go up starting tonight. By weeks end the bottom floor would be ready to be occupied. Rebecca was planning on spending the weekend unpacking the setting up the library,living room and kitchen. The dinning room would serve as Mason and Alcide's new office, the sitting room (or what Rebecca referred to as the theater room) would be used to store the boxes that were to be unpacked. She had seemed thrilled at the prospect of getting her things in the house and wouldn't hear anything about how they could get messed up. Doors could be shut,dust could be cleaned off. She just wanted to see and feel her things around her. It all became real once the furniture arrived she had said. 
 He leaned on the porch railing and looked towards the path to the garden. He wanted to go down there to see her but he didn't have any reason to. She was being respectful of his space and he should probably not complicate things by sending any more mixed signals. His mind wasn't any clearer than it had been two days ago. He just went rounds wrestling with himself and it kept him awake. Even when he did get a few moments of sleep he found her there to. In that damned field as a girl sitting quietly, writing in her journal while he rested his head on his paws and as a grown woman standing in the library looking rejected saying over and over again that she would wait. 
Every time the phone at the office rang the day before he had hoped that it would be her but she did not call. He thought she had been angry or moping around like he had but he learned that she had been outside most of the day digging in dirt. She pointed to the darkened freckles along the bridge of her nose as proof of her time in the sun.  
    One of the Whitstaff trucks pulled into the backyard stopping a few feet from the path. Mr. Whitstaff got out and started to unload the truck. Alcide saw an opportunity and bounded down the steps to offer a hand to the old man. 
"Afternoon Sir" he greeted Mr. Whitstaff as he got closer. " Can I help you out with that stuff?"
" Sure thing Alcide. I'd never be one to turn down the help of an young able bodied man. But do me a favor call me Ben. I may be old enough to be your Dad but that don't mean I want to be addressed as such" He gave Alcide a slap on shoulder and then pointed him to what needed to be pulled out of the truck first. Once the dollies they were using were fully loaded they headed down the path. Alcide heard Rebecca before he could see her. Her throaty laughter filled the air along with the lower toned giggle of Mrs Whitstaff. 
" Sara and Rebecca are getting on like gangbusters. Those two could find a bit of trouble if I don't keep an eye on them" Ben gave him a wink. " You getting on like gangbusters with Rebecca to there Alcide?"
" You could say that." Alcide grinned. 
" She is quite the catch that girl you should get with that and quick" Ben chuckled at his attempt at being hip. 
Alcide's expression must have been given his disbelief away. 
" I got six grandkids. I know a thing or two about the new generations lingo. Hell I even tweet" he motioned with his fingers like a keyboard. " Only way to get them to talk to you. In 140 characters or less" 
" Well Ben I don't tweet so you got one up on me" He shook his head. 
" Who's tweeting who?" Rebecca popped up from around the bend Sara close on her heels.
" You tweet Rebecca?" Ben asked " Cause if you tweet I'm gonna have to follow you."
" Now hang on just a second their mister. No following young beautiful women around even on twitter." Sara walked to her husband de-gloved and grabbed him by the ear.
" Ouch" He said bending to give her a kiss on the cheek. " Does that mean that I have to get rid of Katy Perry and Lady Gaga?"
Alcide exchanged a WTF look with Rebecca. 
She sent back a what can you do he is with it look. " Well Sara I can't say I blame you for wanting a one woman tweeter but I think maybe you should be a little more willing to show the world what a hell of a catch you got." She gave Sara a nudge with her elbow. " We both know he is going NOWHERE."
" Damned right he ain't and I'd take down anyone who tried."  The twosome walked into the garden leaving Alcide standing alone with Rebecca. 
When he looked over her head he saw the couple looking over at them and whispering. They looked quickly away when they realized they'd been caught.  Someone was playing matchmaker and right now he'd take any help he could get. Maybe he should have Ben do his talking for him. It would probably come out better and certainly would be hipper than anything that came from his blubbering trap. 
 " You doing alright out here?" She was definitely getting a work out and a tan. Her was covered from head to toe in dirt and sweat but still looked cute as hell with her hair tied up in pigtails on each side of her baseball cap. 
" Yeah it's hot as shit out here but I think I'm managing. Worried I'm going to end up with Golfer's forehead wearing this cap but it was either that or Raccoon eyes from sunglasses." She lifted her head up " What do you think is it going to be bad?" 
He tipped the cap up and looked closely at her forehead " Nope doesn't look bad at all. You been using SPF never gonna let any sun get to me out here or what?"
" Pretty damned close to it" She replied. 
He heard a door open behind him and looking in that direction he saw the greenhouse was up " What the hell. When did you all do that?" He said pointing at the glass structure.
" Yesterday" She said simply with a shrug.
" How many men did it take?"
" About 8 over the course of a couple of hours. Much of it was prefabbed. They just had to put the pieces into place. It's fairly small but it will do the job it is intended to do. Ben and Sara don't play any more than you and Mason." He was pleased by the compliment. 
" Guess you lucked out, got a good bunch of people helping you out"  
" Tooting your own horn their Mr Herveaux?" she gave him a sideways glance with a half grin.
" Not just mine" He gave her a friendly nudge with his elbow. It caught her off guard and put her off balance. 
" Hey now watch that" she said steadying herself  " That elbow is extra pointy. Do you sharpen that thing or what?" She said mocking him as she rubbed the spot he had poked her. She put out a pout.
" Really Becca? You can take a lot more than an friendly elbow" He gave the bill of her cap a flick. 
" I can give as well as I can take Mr. So like I said watch it" She adjusted her cap back in place and gave him her best attempt at an intimidating look.
He gave her his I am soooooo scared look. 
" Mock me if you will Alcide... Mock me if you will" She stared him down.
Alcide crossed his arms and stared back. The stalemate continued until Alcide started to make his biceps dance and Rebecca's face started to crack. She covered her mouth when the smile started to run across it and Alcide found himself smiling as well. 
" I could have done my pecs to if I had to" 
" Well if I'd know that I'd have held out longer. It would have been nice to see how many of your muscles you can make dance at the same time" That comment was tinged with a naughtiness he'd have like to explore but Mrs. Whitstaff  interrupted them by calling out from the door of the greenhouse.
" You got one more trip in you Alcide. It's getting late and Ben could use a hand getting everything inside." 
" Sure thing Sara whenever he's ready" Alcide called back. Sara nodded and ducked back inside. 
 " I guess I should probably go and give a hand to. It's been a long day would be nice to finish up and get a shower" She showed him her blackened hands.
Ben walked up then and the two men headed back down the path while the ladies worked on cleaning up the tools and supplies around the garden. Once everything was cleaned up for the night the four walked back up the path. Ben with his arm around his wife and Alcide wishing he could do the same with Rebecca. Instead they walked side by side but at arms length. They said goodbyes to the Whitstaff's and stood in the grass watching as they drove away.
" Everything go okay today" She motioned towards the house.
 " Yep." he nodded down at her.
" Excellent. I think I'm gonna head on to the temporary homestead and get cleaned up. I'm sure you can't wait to get home either." He could think of nothing else he'd rather not do. Going home to an empty apartment where he spent his time wishing he was right where he was standing.
" Yeah, long shower a beer and a good nights sleep sounds bout right. I'll see you tomorrow then."
" Sure thing. You have a good night Alcide" She gave him a pat on the arm and walked off towards the trailer. He watched her as she did, her hands in her back pockets her head slightly downcast until she got to the steps and then he turned the corner and went back inside. He wondered what had been going through her head on the walk until he late into the night when he finally fell asleep. 
     The next day was more of the same but this time with the added annoyance of paint fumes. Rebecca was not coming into the house when the paint was wet as the smell triggered her headaches. The only time he saw her was when they all got together to have lunch. She sat at a table with the Whitstaff's and their crew and he would steal glances at her from time to time while still trying to concentrate on the stories Crawfish told the crew about the date he he'd had the night before. 
When Sookie called inviting him over for dinner he welcomed the invitation and the distraction. Having somewhere to go once the work day was through meant less time sitting at home alone. A little after six Alcide pulled into Sookie's drive. He knocked on the door and took a look around while he waited. Only Sookie's car was in the drive. He liked Tara well enough but he was glad she wasn't there. He was also glad he didn't get a whiff of Debbie's scent near the house. He had caught a faint scent trail when walking in the woods the night of the party and that worried him but at least she hadn't come up close to the house. If Debbie caused any trouble for Sookie........... He didn't get to finish the thought because the door opened then, Sookie standing on the other side in little shorts and a tee. 
" Come on in Alcide, dinners just bout ready" He followed her inside and shut the door behind him. " You got a change of clothes with you right? She had moved into the kitchen but peaked her head back round to speak to him.
" Evening Sookie and yes I do" he held up the duffle he'd pulled out of the back of the van.
" Why don't you go get cleaned up. You stink to high heaven" She shrinked up her nose and waved him away.
  When he joined Sookie at the table fifteen minutes later smelling fresh (she said) and more than a little hungry. Sookie had outdone herself cooking up meatloaf with mash potatoes and collards. He thanked his hostess for going through all the trouble and dug in. 
" Everything going okay at Belle Vita?" she asked
Alcide swallowed and took a drink of his tea before answering. " Yes. Ahead of schedule actually."
" Rebecca must be thrilled bout that." 
He nodded. 
" I'm sure your thrilled about it to. Rebecca told me that you get keep anything you don't use from the budget. That'll help you out of a jam or two right? Get Eric off your back?"
" Yeah Rebecca's been very generous. I would have done it for far less but she insisted we abide by the agreement on the table. I will be able to pay off my Dad's debt and help Janice rebuild the shop." He should probably have already gotten started on that part. His sister was getting a bit antsy and her phone calls were becoming more frequent. She was insisting that he handle it. She didn't want their Dad anywhere near her place. They were not on the best of terms at the moment
" Janice really likes Rebecca." Sookie threw another spoon full of mashed potatoes on his plate.
'" Thanks'" he scooped up another bite " and yeah she's asked after Becca a few times since Sunday and that's high praise coming from my sister. She doesn't usually pay newcomers much mind,"
" It's a good thing though, that Janice likes her. Right?" Sookie was giving him an odd look. Where was she going with this conversation?
" I guess so but I don't see why it would matter much one way or another." He kept his eyes on his plate but he could see that Sookie was gonna keep right on going.
" Well in the long run it's best your family likes your woman and I figure with all the other tricky subjects you to got to get through having one less obstacle would be a blessing" 
Alcide choked down his food and drained his glass trying to get it to go down all the way. " Rebecca's not my "woman" Sookie. She's my client."
" Oh come the hell on Alcide" Sookie scoffed at him. " You ain't even gonna try that crap with me now are you? I've seen how you look at her. I see how she looks at you and I've heard enough from your mouths and your minds to know that YOU want to work on more than just her house. Give it up already" She picked up her empty plate and took it over to the sink. She turned sideways as she rinsed it off. " You know there's no point in denying it. So tell me what are you going to do about it?"
He didn't know and he told Sookie just that.
" Well avoiding the fact you kissed her and walked out on her ain't gonna work so figure it out and get to it you hear me?" 
He couldn't believe he was sitting in Sookie's kitchen having this conversation. It wasn't that long ago he had sat there throwing meaningful glances in her direction.
" Ain't nothing to that Alcide. You and me are square." She put her plate on the drying rack and poured him some more tea before sitting back down. 
" Things can change in the blink of an eye Alcide. A week and a half ago you were broke and broken up and now things have taken a turn for the better. I think you should grab the bull by the horns and go for it. I think she's worth the risk don't you?"
" More than worth it" He sighed. 
Sookie slapped him on the shoulder. " Good that's a start. Now finish up so we can get moving. We're gonna meet Layafette and Jesus at Merlottes. Have a couple of beers and shoot some pool."
He hadn't signed up for that part of the evening but he did as he was told and once everything was cleaned up they headed out the door. They climbed into his truck and headed down the drive. 
" Oh we do need to make one quick stop on the way though" Sookie called from the passenger side as if she'd just remembered.
" No problem where to?"
"Take a right at the end of my drive. We got to go pick up Rebecca." His foot slipped on the break causing the truck to lurch backward and then gave Sookie a you got to be kidding me sideways glance. 
She was just smiling at him sweetly but they both knew that he had been had. Apparently everyone was playing a bit of the matchmaker today Sookie was just taking her turn at the job. Alcide couldn't say that one ounce of him was upset about being had. 

Rebecca stood in the Library scribbling in the work notebook when she heard a car pull into the drive. Sookie had arrived and she hadn't managed to make it back to the trailer where she had told her to stop and pick her up. She'd only come into the house to put her thought onto paper but had ended up walking through checking on the color that had now popped off the walls. She was a sucker for progress and seeing the vivid colors she had picked out now hanging on walls that a few weeks ago had been falling apart made filled her with happiness. Now her daydreaming ways were causing her to be late. Sookie was probably wondering where the hell she was.
But maybe not she thought with a smile not looking up from the page as she heard someone come into the house and head towards her. " Just a second Sookie, just writing a note to Alcide for tomorrow before I totally forget my thought."
" I'm standing right here so you can just tell me yourself." Alcide stood a few feet away leaning against the doorway.
" Alcide... I thought you'd crashed out in Shreveport by now."
'" Nope had dinner with Sookie and now I'm your driver for the evening." 
"SOOOOOKIE" She screamed silently. She had had a feeling Sookie was up to something when they had talked earlier and she might have been able to nip it in the bud if she and Alcide had spent any time together that afternoon but she had stayed away. Keeping her focus on the garden and away from the house. Giving Alcide room to breath and her heart a break from the flip flop nature of this attraction had been her goal for the last few days. Luckily there was so much work to be done that she had managed to stay focused and not think to much. 
" Your going with us? How'd Sookie swing that one?" She couldn't imagine that Jason's favorite hangout was the number one choice for Alcide to spend an evening.
" Free beer and a chance to watch you kick some unsuspecting ass in pool. Sookie told me that your a undercover shark" He was giving her the grin. It had been a few days since she'd seen it. Her heart gave her a hard thump in the middle of her chest.
" Oh did she well she was supposed to keep all of that under her hat. I am hoping to make a couple bucks tonight. Lafayette's got quite a big mouth. He don't know what he's got himself into." She snapped her neck and snapped her fingers. " Lets get moving shall we?" 
She meet him by the door and she explained to him what was in her note on the way to the truck. Sookie was sitting on the bumper of the truck waiting. She sent Rebecca a don't kill me and Rebecca gave her a look that said she should do just that. Sookie pushed Rebecca forward and into the truck first which meant that she'd be smashed up next to Alcide all the way to Merlotte's. She wondered if it was to late to see if Alcide wanted to drive her car. She'd seen him eyeing it but he climbed in quickly his thigh brushing hers and gunned the engine. They travelled the distance from Belle Vita to Merlotte's talking about the party. Sookie had been getting a lot of positive feedback from people the last two days and she recounted several stories as did Alcide who had been hearing about it non stop from the crew. This meant Rebecca had little to do but listen and interject a word or two when called for. She tried to concentrate on what each of them were saying but she couldn't help but be distracted by the heat she felt growing along the left side of her body and how everything tingled when they hit a bump and Alcide and she would touch. She prayed to the Goddess for strength and hoped the night would go well. Instinctually though, in the back of her mind she felt a storm brewing. The dream of Christian had filled her mind with thoughts of rain and several time the last few days her olfactory sense had caught the scent of the field back home right after the rain. She knew something was going to go down on this night. Sookie may be pulling a Emma but there was more a foot than a friends desire to put to friends in the same space. She wondered if she should plan on doing her drinking at home as Merlotte's may end up being to much trouble. 
    The parking lot was not nearly as full as her first visit but they still had to park off to the side. Sookie told him to park near Sam's trailer. She may not be working but she still worked there and they even made there way into the bar through the back door. Sam was in his office and Sookie peaked her head inside to say hello. Alcide gave him a wave and Rebecca gave him a wink. The look of his face said he didn't want to know and he went back to what he was doing. 
Inside the bar they found a booth near the pool table. Layafette and Jesus hadn't arrived yet but Tara who was working the bar said they'd be there soon. Sookie got the beer while Alcide and Rebecca settled in to the booth. She had automatically slide in and Alcide had slipped effortlessly in next to her. 
Surveying the room she was relived to find that Jason was not there, she hoped that that night would be one he would stay away. Arlene and her witchy friend Holly were on duty that night they were huddled together by the drinks station talking about her. Holly had not been at the party and from what she could read she had stayed away on purpose. Somehow Holly had gotten a clue, their eyes meet and Rebecca gave her a sly smile. There was no real worry there. Holly wasn't big on people knowing about her extra curricular activities and was unlikely to say anything. She did however wonder what if anything Holly would tell Arlene. She was a totally different story.
The beer appeared on the table and Sookie slipped in across from the twosome a look of success spread across her face. 
"Don't get cocky. We just got here" She sent over. 
Jesus came into view and his steely grey eyes found hers and he bowed in greeting. " Buenas tardes Senora de la magia" 
Good evening lady of magic she thought. Cute very cute. " No me hagas rienda suelta a la magia"  (Don't make me unleash the magic) she said back to him in his tongue. 
He gave her another tilt of his head and then sat down with Sookie " Sin faltar el respecto por objeto" ( no disrespect intended)
"None of this Spanish shit. You to ain't gonna sit around conspiring against us singally lingual people all night. You hear what I am saying?" Layafette rolled in with flair as usual. 
He gave Sookie a " Why are you sitting with my man look" and when she gave him a " You get your ass a chair look" he did just that and turning it backwards he sat and pored himself a glass of beer at the same time.
" Ya'll bitches ready to get your asses kicked cause I am feeling lucky tonight." he rubbed his hands together. " Got to get something in the gut first. Rebecca I made some fan-fucking-tastic gumbo today gonna go get us all some" Layafette got up from the table and headed back towards the kitchen. On the way he stopped to have a word with Tara who looked annoyed and gave him the bird. 
The door slammed and in walked Jason and Hoyt and the rest of the road crew. The noise in the place when up several decibels and she felt Alcide tense up beside her. She took a chance and put her hand on his. He didn't shake her away but he didn't relax either. He sat back though and sipped his beer. 
When Layafette returned and put bowls in front of them all  they all dug in, despite Sookie and Alcide's protests of having already eaten. Rebecca was starved and complemented Layafette so much he went to get her more. 
" I think he's trying to fill you up so you won't be able to take him in pool" Alcide offered up. 
Jesus leaned in '"You are right Alcide my friend it is his strategy to weight her down and fill her up with shrimp and sausage." he raised his eyebrows putting lewd context on the comment.  Sookie gave him an elbow and a giggle. 
Jesus looked back at Jason who was getting louder with every drink. " Your brother's in the mood to show his ass tonight."
" Ain't he always." she grumbled. 
" Jason you want to shut the fuck up. People round here don't want to hear your drunk ass while they are trying to get drunk themselves." Layafette gave him a bump as he went by. 
" I swear that boy can't stand not to be able to hear himself talk." He looked at Alcide. " Please feel free to take that tall dark oh so hot ass of yours over there and put the beat down on him at any time." he turned to Sookie. '" Sorry Sook but he's getting on my last nerve. Sunday to, with his need for attention and people say I'm a Queen."
Rebecca ran the spoon through her gumbo and listened to Alcide's head. He thought Jason was acting out cause she was nearby and because Alcide was with her. He thought Jason was plucking at his nerves to try and show Alcide up. Maybe he was right but she didn't think so. His side of things was all he had knowledge of so posturing in front of Alcide seemed highly unlikely.  She just thought Jason didn't know any better. He'd be acting this way regardless. Because Jason was just being Jason. 
" All right guys lets rack some balls" she called out. That of course got everyone's attention and so they all went to the pool table. 
       The first four games they split two- two. The girls played the boys with Layafette playing all four games while the other boys switched off.  They joked good naturally talking shit and Alcide continually tried to distracted her by making noises or bumping her before she shot.  Every few minutes or so Jason would throw a comment out himself most of them directed at Rebecca. She let the others send the return jabs and kept quiet. As long as she didn't engage him Alcide seemed alright. The fifth game would decide billiard supremacy and who got to take home the pot which was up to 500 hundred bucks. It was Sookie's turn to set up the rack and Rebecca's turn to break. She stood at the other end of the table listen to the boys decide who was going to play the last game. The girls had won both of the games Jesus played so there was not a whole lot of time spent on the decision. Layafette cared about his boy but he cared more about winning.
" No worries Jesus you more than make up in dance moves what you lack in pool skills" She smiled and bumped him with her hip. 
" Kick her ass" Jesus whispered to Alcide. He gave his boy a swat on the backside and took a stool to the side of the table. 
Rebecca made no snide reply. Sookie hadn't been lying when she told Alcide Rebecca was a pool shark and she had been holding back the entire time they'd been playing.  The boys were going to be kicking themselves in the ass when she was done with this game. Sookie removed the rack and they were ready to play. She bent over the table and looked through her fingers at the ball. She moved the pool cue back and forth but waited as she expected some sort of attempt to mess up her shot. 
She listened to the minds around her but none of the boys playing were plotting anything. Alcide was wondering if he was going to have to drive all the way home or if one of the girls were going to offer him a place to stay. Layafette was thinking about how he was going to spend the money in the pot and Jesus was hoping the night would end soon cause he was horny. She thought that was going to be the worst of it until she heard Jason. He had been watching. He had been waiting and now he was prepared to say what was on his mind. 
She closed her eyes and wished it away. She felt the winds of change blow through the room and a cold sweat break out on the back of her neck. It came anyway.
" Hey Rebecca can I get your Mothers phone number?" 
She ignored him and threw a glance over at Alcide who was still leaning against the wall but she could see his knuckles start to go white. She could hear Jason in the background trying to get someone to ask why he wanted Rebecca's Mom's number and she heard Hoyt tell him to drop it. He was being a prick. It was time to get this show on the road. She positioned herself and without much thought she let her pool cue fly. The sound of the cue ball hitting the rack echoed through the room and everyone within seeing distance watched as each ball flew off and headed towards a pocket. One by one they went down the pockets with so much force they rocked the table, all except the eight ball which banked off the twelve and was sent sailing down towards the pocket to the left of Rebecca. At the edge it sat and spun round and round and then after a dramatic pause it fell in. She had cleared the table. Jesus couldn't believe it. Layafette was cussing up a storm and Sookie was grinning madly and asking her if she had used some voodoo on the table. If sheer force of will was voodoo then she guessed she had. Alcide made a sudden move off the wall just as Jason made his way to her.
" Niiiice" He tapped the table and leaned in to her "You gonna answer my question now?"
" What could you possibly have to say to my Mother Jason." She gave him a look that should have stopped him dead. She was going to have to have a word with Mason about his glamouring skills. She thought this type of behavior was over. But Jason was dense and a button pusher. He put his head to hers and whispered into her ear. 
" I wanna call her and thank her for giving you that ass." and then he reached around and tried to grab her. She sucked in her breath and tried to back away. But Jason's hand never touched her. Alcide grabbed him by the wrist before he could. 
With fury in his eyes he held tight to Jason's hand and began to squeeze. " You son of a bitch don't you fucking touch her." 
Jason took a swing at him with his free hand but it didn't connect. Alcide moved out of it's path and just squeezed his hand harder. If he didn't stop soon he would crush it. 
Sookie was suddenly between them. " Let him go Alcide. He's a dumb ass but there's no reason to break his fucking hand." She looked at Rebecca and screamed just to her " Stop him before I have to
Rebecca didn't think Sookie would actually start throwing sparks in the middle of Merlotte's but she'd rather not chance it. She had seen Tara run from behind the bar and knew that Sam was on his way. 
"Alcide let him go." Alcide's eyes cleared at the sound of her voice. He found her face and holding her gaze he let Jason go with a shove that sent him flying into the booth behind him. He blinked and breathed and then took off. Bumping Sam as he arrived, he stopped long enough to offer an apology and then he was out the door. 
Rebecca looked around the room. There was no need for apologies. She wouldn't offer them if there were. She took one final look at Jason and then marched out after Alcide. He was almost at the truck when she screamed his name.
" Stop right there" He did and turned his anger to her. Marching back in her direction like a bull in a arena " Oh no you don't get to be like that with me. I won't be manhandled. You tell me Alcide, right now what the fuck was that in there?"
"He had no right to fucking touch you" Alcide slammed his fist into the side of truck. 
" No he didn't but it would have been up to me to take care of that. Not you. Your acting like a jealous idiot and I can not understand why?"
" Are you fucking kidding me Becca. Do you really think that I can stand by and listen to him talk to you like that... look at you like your his? Touch you like you two were not in a fucking room full of people? He paced wildly, like an animal stuck in a cage far to small. The fear of the walls caving in fueled the desire to break free no matter the cost. It killed him to know that Jason had had Rebecca. 
" Why should it matter to you Alcide?"
" Because I......." He muttered under his breath and then he just stopped. " Becca.....I " 
" What Alcide? WHAT? Tell me what it is you want? WHAT DO YOU WANT? She couldn't let him off the hook again tonight. He wasn't walking away and leaving her standing there alone. 
She rushed him pushing him back against the truck and hit him hard in the chest. " Tell me DAMN YOU!!!! TELL ME NOW YOU FUCKING SCARED SHITLESS PIECE OF SHIT MAN. WHAT DO YOU WANT? I am right here? I am not inside with Jason and I have told you that there is nothing between the two of us. But you CAN NOT be angry and jealous over me when you have made no claim. You can't start fights with every guy who talks to me or give me the cold shoulder for trying to live my life. That is what I can't stand Alcide. To know that in there somewhere" she continued to hit him" you want what it is you think everyone else has some piece of. So one last time Alcide WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?"
He grabbed her arms " I want to go back to that first night you asked me to come here and to have not said no. I want to have not have come back to Belle Vita and seen you with him. I want to not be so fucking angry when I have no right to be. I want to know what the hell is wrong with me. "He paused and thought about that last part. He didn't understand what was happening to him. But there was no going back now. He moved his hands up her wrists until his covered hers and continued,
 " I want to have the right to beat the living shit out of anyone who acts the way Jason did tonight. I want to be the only man who gets to say things like that into your ear or touch you without asking and God damn it Becca I want to be the only fucking man in the room who gets to go home with you at the end of the night."
" And what are you going to do about it?" She asked her voice now quivering slightly. He had actually said it. Her gut churned and somewhere in the distance she heard a rumble. 
 " I guess I should start at the beginning" he gave her hands a squeeze and then let them go " by asking you out."
She smiled. " You want to go on a date?"
" Yes it's been a while but last time I checked this was how these things go. How bout Friday night. You free?" he was taking the leap. 
" No.. Friday is no good" That simply would not do.
Okay Saturday?" 
'"NO not Saturday either" and that was even worse.
" Well then when?" He looked a little worried. 
" Tomorrow." She figured the sooner the better. 
" Tomorrow?" the shadow of  a smile started to appear. 
" Yes it has to be tomorrow. I don't want to give you the chance to change you freaking mind" she said in half jest.
" I don't want to change my mind Becca." The anger was gone. His brown eyes were shining. " This is what I want."
" Well in case there is ANY doubt" she stopped and searched his face to be sure that he was listening " this is what I want to. We are clear on that?"
" Crystal" he replied.
" Good" she sighed.
     Sookie stayed behind at Merlotte's to deal with her brother leaving a lot more room in the cab but even so Rebecca still sat close to Alcide. She knew that that made him happy. He'd been afraid she'd fear him.  But she wasn't afraid of him. His anger was something she had seen a lot in her life. Were's lost their shit. Sometime for no reason and often on the wrong person. They kept so much of themselves bottled up inside hiding from the world that on occasion the beast broke free while in human form. Two sided coin. One side Dr. Jekyll the other Mr. Hyde. She hoped that her show of faith would help prove to him that she could handle anything that he had to throw at her. He walked her to the door and then wished her a good night. She was alone on the property that night. Mason and the boys had gone to pick up her things from New Orleans so she could start the unpack at the weekend. Alcide sat outside for a few minutes before driving off just in case there was something that she might need.  Rebecca flipped off her shoes and fell into the bed. Tonight the storm had moved in, rained down some truth and then dissipated. It was a start but Rebecca knew there was much thunder and lightening to come. She just hoped they would both be able to weather the storm.

   The plan had been to go into town once the rest of the crew had left for the day and have dinner. It was now just after eight and Alcide was tired dirty and wet. A pipe had broken in one of the bathrooms upstairs just before quitting time. He and Max had stayed behind thinking it would be a quick fix. It of course had turned into a huge pain in the ass and his mood grew darker with each passing minute. He came down the stairs and saying a quick goodnight to an equally tired and frustrated Max walked toward the library. He had heard Rebecca come in with Mason a while ago and took a chance that that is where she would find them. She was standing near the huge antique desk that Mason had brought in the night before. It was solid Mahogany eightieth century and had belonged to Etienne. It was one of several pieces Rebecca had belonged in this house.  She was wearing an emerald green dress that made her look like she stepped out of an episode of that show Mad Men. Her hair was up and she was was wearing a bit more make up than he was used to. She looked like she was going on a date. Something he could not say about himself.
" Evening" he gave Rebecca a nervous grin and a Mason a friendly nod. " Finally got that bastard fixed."
" You could have left it Alcide we'd have taken care of it." Mason handed some paperwork to Rebecca who was just looking at him sweetly. 
" Didn't think it was going to take so long to fix. Got momentum hated to loose any of it. I know you guys still have some stuff to take care of to prepare for the weekend. Didn't want to take away from your plan."
" I appreciate that. This one here is insistent on getting moving. Silvia will be joining us this weekend as well." Mason's face brightened at the mention of his ladies name. 
" I am sure you will be glad to have her here as will this one, with her more hands the better idea bout things." They exchanged a I understand you perfectly look.
" I also prefer not to be spoken about as if I am not in the room." She had been paying closer attention to what was in her hand than what the guys were discussing. Clearly the direct mention of her idiosyncrasies had gotten her attention. " Are you still up to going out?"
" If you are, yes." he hoped she wouldn't be the one to back out. 
" Well then go and get cleaned up. I took your duffle down to the trailer. You get spiffy and then meet me back here. I'm gonna keep going over the inventory with Mason until then. 
She looked looked at him sternly when he didn't move right away but her eyes twinkled and he thought he saw the side of her mouth start to move upward as he left the room. 
 When he returned as quickly as he could muster the twosome had moved into the sitting room and were looking through a crate. Their heads were together and Mason was talking to Rebecca softly. 
" It will be fine. I will find it. You go now and have a nice evening." he reassured her and motioned towards where Alcide stood. 
She turned her attention to her date and smiled " You look very handsome" 
He brushed off her compliment even though he liked hearing it. " Got to at least try to keep up with you" He gave her an appreciative once over and then looked guilty when Mason cleared his throat reminding him he was still in the room. 
" You two kids get moving." he gave Rebecca a little shove and she took to steps toward him before she went back and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
Alcide looked away and took a few steps toward the door. When Rebecca joined him he opened the door and as she went through he asked if everything was alright. 
" Nothing drastic just missing a piece that belonged to Adele. It wasn't listed on the inventory but I know it was in that crate. He's going to check with Silva to see if maybe it got moved into another one."
" I am sure they will find it." He opened the door of the truck and waited as she adjusted herself inside before closing the door.
" You think we're going to have to end up at Merlotte's again?" He made light of their late start
" Nope, the diner is open til eleven so we have a couple of hours." he thought he heard the relief he felt in her voice. " All the same though get moving. I'm starved"
He put his foot on the gas and they made it into town in record time. She had hoped out of the car before he could get around to her waiting for him at the end of the truck. 
" You know what I am in the mood for tonight?" She asked 
He gave her the look but suppressed the comment " What's that?' he asked instead.
" Pie. I really want a good piece of pie. you know with a big dollop of whip cream..... OH or maybe vanilla ice cream. Man I sure do hope they have pie" 
The only words of that whole sentence he'd heard was piece and cream. What a perve.... Get your mind out of the gutter man.
" You gonna have a piece with me? Just so you know there will be no sharing a piece. I want a piece all to myself" Was she doing that on purpose? He was beginning to wonder. 
She giggled as they took a seat in a booth and gave the waitress who came by their drink orders. 
" Your laughing at me aren't you?" 
" Hell yeah I am you should see your face."
" So your playing with me to?"
" Hummmmmmm maybe just a little." 
" Well if it's a game that I have a chance of winning at I don't mind" He looked down at the menu. 
" Well then I guess you should keep playing then" She found his leg under the table and tapped him in the shin. 
He masked his surprise at her touch and was glad when the waitress returned to see what they wanted.
' I can not decide between the fried chicken and the chicken and dumplings so I suppose you should bring both" She gave the waitress a grin and handed her back the menu. 
Alcide ordered the fried chicken but by itself. 
" You weren't kidding bout being hungry." 
" Nope. I haven't eaten all day. Not by choice but because my stomach was in knots. Now it's ready to receive tasty southern nourishment." She sat back and patted her stomach. He thought about the little freckle near her belly button and wondered if he was the reason her stomach had been in knots all day. 
" Penny for your thoughts?" He hadn't realized he'd been silent so long. Staring at her the entire time at that. 
" Just glad to be here with you." 
" Me to" she lifted up her glass " Here's to a great first date" He clinked his glass with hers and hoped it was the first of many.
They talked about the safest topic they knew, the job until the food came. He could really talk to her about he work they were doing. She had knowledge but wasn't afraid to ask questions when she didn't know what he was talking about. The conversation held her interest and she encouraged him instead of cutting him off or trying to change the subject. His work was such a large part of his life often sticking with him after his day was done and it was nice to know he wouldn't have to shut that part of him off when he was with her. Debbie and the others he'd been with hadn't really wanted anything to do with what he did for a living. Some had made him feel like he was beneath them doing what he did. They sure had no problem with the money though. 
When the food arrived he teased her mercilessly as she ate, which made her laugh and at one point she even let out a snort. With grease covered fingers she hid her face and slid down in the booth. 
She was comfortable in her skin and had taken his teasing like a champ laughing along with him even though his laughter was at her expense. He liked that she had enough self esteem to eat what she wanted how she wanted even on a first date. 
" Good thing we didn't have any pork for dinner. You'd be eating a cousin or something." He was hit in the head by a a biscuit. He picked it up off the table and took a bite. 
Rebecca roared and much to her dismay and his amusement she snorted again. 
The waitress returned, her name was Amanda and she had been at the party the previous weekend and he sat back and listened as they talked about Amanda's cat. 
When they finished she asked if there was anything else she could get them and Rebecca looked pointedly at Alcide " What kind of pie do you have?" 
Alcide wondered where the hell Rebecca was going to put it and then ordered a piece blackberry pie for himself.  He was relaxed and happy it felt nice.
" Here comes your piece with cream." She winked at him and then rubbed her hands together and gave let out a squeal of delight.
" A squeal to?" He watched every movement as she lifted the fork to her lips and with exaggerated gusto pushed the bite into her mouth. She closed her eyes as she got her first taste and ummmmmmm hummmmmm'ed. 
 She moved back and forth in her seat. " This is exactly as it should be."
They were the last to leave the diner and the lights went out right as they walked out the door. " Think they were happy to see us go?" He said looking behind him.
" Apparently so" she stopped to look in a shop window. " That is a lovely dress" She moved over to get a better look. 
Alcide had no idea what made one dress better than the other but he listened as she went on about it being vintage and the cut and color.
 " Think I may need to come back tomorrow and try it on." she continued to stare into the window.
" You'd look great in it. You look great in anything." He felt his hand slip into his. He looked down at her.
" That is very sweet of you to say." He closed his hand around hers and she squeezed. 
They walked the short distance to the car with a little swing in their arms. He was thinking as he went around the car to his side how he wished the walk had been longer and how much he hated giving up her hand when he got in and found her hand outstretched and waiting for his on the seat. 
He savored the comfortable silence as he drove her back to Belle Vita. They were both tired and full and it was late. Rebecca stifled a yawn as they pulled into the drive. 
" Sorry no reflection on you or our first date." she said and then yawned again. 
She waited this time for him to open the door, her head was resting on the seat a sleepy haze filling her eyes. He took her by the hands and pulled her out of the truck. " I think you will be far more comfortable in your bed." 
" I am sure you are right." She walked up the first two steps and then turned and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. " Goodnight Alcide. It was a wonderful first date."
It had been a wonderful first date and he had expected more from their goodnight. He pushed back his disappointment and said. " I had a great time. I'd tell you I'll call you but since I will be seeing you in a few hours I don't really need to."
" Another busy day ahead. Please be careful getting home and as the client I give you permission to sleep in if you want. I am sure Max can hold down the fort for a few hours." 
" Might just do that. Night Becca" She opened the door and went inside. 
He climbed back into the truck and banged his head a few times on the steering wheel. He'd spent a few perfect hours enjoying her company. No one but them. They didn't scratch to far below the surface just shared some laughs and good food. So why hadn't she given him the chance to kiss her. He he reached down and started the truck only to have a hand come down and turn it back off. 
" You know you could have tried just a little bit harder." He hadn't heard her come out of the house or climb onto the side of the truck. She was leaning in the window and just inches from his face." I couldn't stand that ending either"
She put her hands on both sides of his face and kissed him. Softly and sweetly and with just a flick of tongue as she pulled away.
 " Now that was more like it" she said softly he eyes staring into his. It certainly was he thought and he tried to grab on to her but she wiggled out of his reach. 
 " See you tomorrow" she called as she ran back up the steps. 
She was something else. He licked his lips and shook his head.
 " Now that was a much better ending" he said aloud to himself. Satisfied for the moment he pulled out, down the drive and headed for home.